Formartine Parish Church

Susanna Bichard, Session Clerk
T: 01651 851345


You may have missed a service or you may like to hear a reflection again. Videos will be posted here from time to time. Click on an image to view a video.


ACTivate Blame 14 April, 2024

Join our Interim Moderator, Rev Alastair Bruce, in Reflection as he travels round the parish. ACTS 3:11 While the man held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished and came running to them in the place called Solomon’s Colonnade.

Alison's Easter Reflection 2024

Easter Sunday saw Alison's last service before her retiral. She presented a thoughtful and thought provoking Reflection. "...As I say farewell to you this Easter, it is my prayer, as I hope it may be yours, that the Church through its life and worship might play a part in rolling away these stones so that people will have a chance to look into the empty tomb and discover for themselves the message that it holds, Christ is Risen, Hallelujah."