There are all sorts of activities going on in Tarves and Pitmedden. Find out about them here or check our Facebook page.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER — I Made You Wonderful
Guild members, along with members of Methlick Guild, led an inspiring service for World Day of Prayer. The service was compiled by women of the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. Guild members were resplendently colourful. We were reminded that we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Look at all these happy smiley faces. It was so lovely to have the kirk bursting with children on Sunday.
We were delighted to welcome members from 1st Tarves Brownies and Guides to Tarves Kirk to celebrate World Thinking Day: a day of international friendship and important date in the Guiding and Scouting calendars.
They showed us how uniforms and badges may have changed over the years but their promise and values: to help other people, care for the environment, stand up for what they believe in, remain strong. Well done to everyone involved.
During the service, we were invited to consider tsp prayers — Thank you, Sorry, Please.
Rev Stella Campbell, North East and Northern Isles Presbytery Clerk, presented Alvan Milne with a certificate for 31 years of service to the Kirk. Alvan is our recently retired beadle, who along with his wife, Muriel, has done sterling work over the years at Pitmedden Church.
Property Convenor, Alfie Marr, paid tribute to Alvan and Muriel in an entertaining fashion while outlining the many ways they have both tirelessly served the church and the community.
PREACHER at TARVES KIRK Sunday 8 September
Exciting news! The Very Reverend Sally Foster-Fulton, immediate past Moderator of the General Assembly, will be preaching at Tarves Kirk next Sunday, 8 September. The service starts at 10.00 am, followed by tea and coffee. All are welcome.
Sally Foster-Fulton is originally from South Carolina in the United States, but has made Scotland her home for over 30 years. She currently works as Christian Aid’s UK and Global Church Ambassador, supporting denominations to strengthen and reaffirm their partnership with Christian Aid and its work, developing and sharing worship resources and forging closer relations between local and global partners.
She joined Christian Aid in 2016, and in 2023 took a year’s sabbatical from her position as Head of Christian Aid Scotland to be Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Before joining Christian Aid, Sally convened the Church and Society Council and helped advance the Church’s work on human rights, climate justice and support for people struggling to overcome poverty in Scotland as well as overseas.
Sally’s roots are in the parish ministry, where she has served as minister of Camelon Irving Parish church, associate minister at Dunblane Cathedral and chaplain at Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary and The Royal National Scottish Hospital in Larbert. Sally is the author of three books: ‘Hope was Heard Singing’, ‘Dancing in the Desert and Step Gently in the World’.